Registration Fees:

For Publication in the Conference Proceedings and indexed in Web of Science (ISI, SCIE), Scopus, EI Compendex, IEEEXplore etc (after peer review) Plus Welcome Cocktail, Conference Dinner and 2 Coffee-breaks per day: €620

For Publication in a Journal indexed in Scopus* Plus Welcome Cocktail, Conference Dinner and 2 Coffee-breaks per day: €620

Contact us to inform you about the Journal. Indexed in Scopus*, GoogleScholar, INSPEC (IET, former IEE), ProQuest, EBSCO, Crossref,SemanticScholar, Resurchify impact factor, Academic Accelerator impact factor, CNKI, Copernicus, Scilit etc..

For Publication in other Journals, Plus Welcome Cocktail, Conference Dinner and 2 Coffee-breaks per day: €310



The Proceedings of the conference will be published by...


Submit your paper based on the following guidelines:
1) Microsoft Word:
2) LaTeX:

Special Sessions

Check our Special Sessions here

Call for Sessions

Call for Sessions, Workshops, Minisymposia We encourage you to participate in our conference with a Session,
Symposium, or Workshop. There are several benefits for the organizers:
1. A Honorarium for the Special Issue organizer (i.e. Guest Editor) provided that his Special Issue will collect a minimum of 5 registered papers.
He can use this Honorarium to travel to the conference!
2. Successful Special Session organizers will be included in the Steering Committee of the conference of the next year.
3. Successful Special Session organizers will receive a volume in Hard Copy of the Proceedings of our previous conferences.
4. Successful Special Session organizers will receive a Certificate for the organization of their Special Session by the General Chairman.
5. Successful Session organizers will be elevated to Plenary Speakers for our conference of the necxt year.
6. Their sessions and their names will appear on the web.
If the authors have already uploaded the same papers independently via the web, then, these papers cannot be considered for your Special Session, Workshop, Minisymposium.
Send us the Title / Organizer / Aim / Topics for your Special Session
by email: like these examples