      * For Publication in the Volume with AIP and indexed in Web of Science (ISI, SCIE), Scopus, EI Compendex, IEEEXplore etc (after peer review), with 2 Coffee-breaks per day: 620 EUR

      * For Publication in Journals indexed in ISI/Scopus : 620 EUR (after peer review). Contact us to inform you about the Journal and if the Editor can accept your article!

Submission Deadline: Expired

Review Process:
The International Conference on Environment, Geoscience, Water (ENGW) sends each paper to many independent reviewers, experts in the area of the paper.
So, each paper will be evaluated, at least, by three independent experts according to the following Criteria

1) Relevance to the Conference
2) Scientific - Technical Originality, Potential Impact and Interest for the audience
3) Scientific/Technical Content and Advances beyond The State-Of-The-Art
4) Quality of the Presentation, clarity of the Content
5) Comments for the authors

The reviewers are going to indicate their familiarity with the paper's subject, evaluate the paper along the aforementioned criteria. Finally, the Chairmen will decide whether a paper will be accepted or not.
Our Score System will classify the papers as follows
* Publish as it is
* Consider after Minor Changes
* Consider after Major Changes
* Reject
If the Chairman recommends "Publish as it is", then the manuscript will undergo a final check by the journal's editorial office in order to ensure that the manuscript and its review process adhere to the journal's guidelines and policies. Once this is done, the authors will be notified of the manuscript's acceptance, and the manuscript will appear in the Articles in Press section of the journal's website.
If the Chairman recommends "Consider after Minor Changes," the authors are notified to prepare and submit a final copy of their manuscript with the required minor changes suggested by the reviewers. The Editor reviews the revised manuscript after the minor changes have been made by the authors. Once the Editor is satisfied with the final manuscript, the manuscript can be accepted.
If the Chairman recommends "Consider after Major Changes," the recommendation is communicated to the authors. The authors are expected to revise their manuscripts in accordance with the changes recommended by the reviewers and to submit their revised manuscript in a timely manner. Once the revised manuscript is submitted, the Editor can then make an editorial recommendation which can be "Publish Unaltered", "Consider after Minor Changes", "Reject."
If the Chairman recommends rejecting the manuscript, the rejection is immediate. Also, if the majority of the reviewers recommend rejecting the manuscript, the rejection is immediate.
All articles published by the ENGW are committed to publishing only original material, i.e., material that has neither been published elsewhere, nor is under review elsewhere.

Contact us:
Email: mastor@tu-sofia.bg, mastor@hna.gr.
Phone: +30 6986526484


The International Conference on Environment, Geoscience, Water (ENGW) provides a forum for publication of recent engineering advancements and developments in ....

Publisher. Journals. Review.

Publisher of the Proceedings. Journals indexed in ISI Web of Science, Scopus, EI Compendex etc (after the conference). Review Process

Venue, How to Arrive, Hotel

The conference will be held in ...

Editorial Work Flow. Deadlines. Fees

Deadlines and Fees ....

Plenary Speakers

Check here our Plenary Speakers

Reviewers Acknowledgment

So far for the International Conference on Environment, Geoscience, Water (ENGW) we have used the following Reviewers

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

The International Conference on Environment, Geoscience, Water (ENGW) is committed to maintaining high standards through a rigorous peer-review together with strict ethical policies...

Archiving, Digital Preservation

We use digital Preservation and archiving with Portico.

Contact us:
Email: mastor@tu-sofia.bg, mastor@hna.gr.
Phone: +30 6986526484